11 Protection Methods


Why is protection important?

Protection is important when doing any workings, and honestly, just in your day to day life, to avoid unnecessary energies or unwelcome entities attaching themselves to you. Protections keep you from absorbing and taking on someone else's energy. It's also important in case your working goes wrong, you don't always want what you've sent out coming back to you. And lastly, It's important in case someone else sends something unwanted your way, which literally anyone can do, without even thinking. Somone can just be hating on you a lot & that's a jinx right there. There are so many ways to protect yourself, so many in fact, that I could probably write a whole book on protection alone. Below I'll just go over a few of my favorite methods.


My absolute favorite type of magic. Sigils are great because the more you use them the stronger they become. You can make sigils for anything and there are countless ways to activate and charge them. Again, I could probably write a whole book on sigils, and the different ways to make them, activate them and charge them. Using sigils for protection is easy. If you're brand new to making sigils check out this post I wrote. There are a million and one ways to make them, but this should get you started at least.

Salt, herb, and water wash

Combine salt, water (moon water is great if you have it), and protective herb(s) in a spray bottle or a large bowl. Use the wash to wipe down doors and windows, or the spray to spray an area or yourself. At the bottom of this post is a link for an extensive list of protection correspondences. A few protective herbs include but are not limited to: rosemary, roses, mint, clove, lemongrass, sage, wormwood, and lily. 

Witches ball

Hang clear balls, filled with protective ingredients, around a space you want to protect to catch any unwanted energies or entities. Scroll to the bottom of this post for an extensive list of protection correspondences. Be sure to cleanse the balls every once in a while, or toss them and make new ones.

Protection spell jar

Fill a jar with protective herbs, crystals, broken glass, nails, pins, and anything else you think might protect you. (Crushed eggshells are powerful in protection magic!) State your intention for each ingredient you add, write a petition, pour your energy into it, and seal it up, preferably with something black but use whatever you have, as long as the jar is sealed up! You'll find a list of protective herbs & crystals at the bottom of this post. And this post is a more in-depth look at spell jars if they resonate with you.

Witches bells

Witches bells are a set of bells hung on your front, back, or bedroom doorknob to scare off any unwanted junk that may try to enter your home. The use of bells in spiritual practices goes back centuries. They've been used, among other things, but especially for, cleansing a space with the sound, trapping unwanted junk inside, and warding off anything unwanted with the sound as well!

Amulets & Talismans

There are many ways to charge an amulet so I'll just share my favorite way. Hold the amulet in your hands and say "I charge this _______ to keep its wearer protected from any and all negative entities. By the power of this water, I charge it." Dip the amulet in moon water or a type of natural water (rainwater, seawater, etc.) Then it's finished. 
As for talismans, they can be any item charmed for any reason, so why not charm a jacket for protection, or a hat or sunglasses as a veil, or anything for anything!


Visualize yourself, your home, your car, or anything else, completely surrounded by a white light. as long as your intention is to be shielded from outside energies however you go about making it happen is fine. Visualize yourself in medieval armor, a hot pink bubble,  with a glowing forcefield around yourself, how ever you do it will work!


Anoint yourself at the wrists, temples, or third eye with a protective oil such as Patchouli, lavender, mugwort, hyssop, eucalyptus, fennel, myrtle, pine, rosemary, sage, or palo santo. 

Prayers and offerings

Say prayers and leave offerings to your patron or matron god or goddess.


Burn protective incense or herbs to protect a space. Some protective incense includes sandalwood, rosemary, myrrh, juniper, frankincense, dragon's blood, copal, clove or cedar.


Fill a sachet with protective hers and/or crystals. Keep it near where you want to protect, Your home, room, car, etc.

You can find a list of protective herbs, crystals, and metals along with planets, moon phases, and days of the week best for protection magic Here

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