Color Magic


What is color magic?

Color magic is when we coordinate the colors of things like candles, pens or pencils, sachets, or even our clothes, shoes, or jewelry, to our intention. Your spells absolutely will still do their thing without coordinating colors but every little boost helps, right? Below I've listed a bunch of colors and what they can each be used for. Feel free to use your own associations as well though. for example Red is usually a color for love but maybe in your head purple is a love color, go ahead and use purple instead. This list is just what the colors are most commonly used for.


White- Purification, Truth, Inspiration, Clarity, Spiritual strength, Enlightenment
Black- Protection, Honor & Respect, Banishment, Unlocking
Red- Love, Passion, Sexuality, Aggression, Strength, Control, Health, Vitality
Yellow- Positivity, Courage, Vitality, Progress, Communication, Mental clarity, Focus
Orange- Luck, Kindness, Celebration, Abundance, Optimism, Comfort
Green- Luck, Finances, Charity, Health, Prosperity, Vitality, Nature, Fertility, Balance
Turquoise- Change, Travel, Intellect, Invention, Creativity, Humanity
Blue- Understanding, Patience, Honor, Fidelity, Health, Wisdom, Justice, Tranquility
Purple- Wisdom, Psychic ability, Divination, Inspiration, Spirituality, Empowerment
Pink- Love, Family, Healing, Friendship, Selflessness, Socializing
Brown- Grounding, Concentration, Searching, Protection
Gold- Masculinity, Luxury, Power, Success, Confidence, Creativity
Silver- Feminity, Emotional Stability, Intuition, Dreams, Psychic Ability
Bronze- Positivity, Friendship, Unity


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