Easy, 3 ingredient, effective, money spell


So you need more money in your life?

Who doesn't need more money, really? As long as you're willing to put in the work, whether it be longer hours, higher volume of orders for your online business, moving to a new job that may pay more, etc. If you aren't willing to put in any work, and you're just looking for a get-rich-quick spell this is not the one. If you're still here and still want the spell read on!


A green 7-day candle
3 coins, any coins
Some dried mint, just a pinch.
A marker to draw sigils on the candle


First, you're gonna need to make some sigils. Make them as specific as possible, word them more than one way, and make sure you come up with a few you can use. If you need guidance on sigil making, check out this post for an easy method that's well explained. 
  • Once you have your sigils and you've charged them, draw them on your candle.
  • Next, take the 3 coins and stick them about halfway into the wax around the wick.
  • Then, take a pinch of dried mint and sprinkle it on top after telling it what exactly you want it to do for you. 
  • Last, Light this candle anytime you're doing anything at all relating to bringing money in or your job, or if you want to meditate on money coming in light it then.
Ive used this spell a few times. the most notable time was not this last time but the time before, I did the spell, the wick burned itself out and I thought the spell wasn't going to work, less than 24 hours later I received more orders at once than I have ever gotten since opening my etsy shop a few years ago. This last time, my husband got called in to work an extra shift for pretty decent pay, just hours after I did the spell. Im a stay at home mom so any money that comes in (most of it through his job obviously) is OUR money. I can't remember the first time I did the spell what effects it had because it was a while back but based even off just the last 2 times, it's a potent spell as long as you're willing to put in the work. 

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