8 Curse and Blockage Removal Methods


What happens when you are cursed or blocked?

When you have been cursed or are dealing with a blockage that you may have created yourself a few things tend to happen usually. If you're experiencing these kinds of symptoms it may be time to perform a curse or blockage removal spell or ritual. Your magic could be completely wonky and your spells or workings could be having some entirely unexpected outcomes, feeling stagnant for a length of time, not being able to focus or think clearly, you may be feeling generally off, or unwell with no real explanation, you may be experiencing a lengthy string of bad luck, or you could even be experiencing frequent headaches with no medical explanation. If You're experiencing any of these, especially if it's a few at once read on to see how to correct it.

Methods to remove curses and blockages

  • An uncrossing bath performed for 3 consecutive days will usually do the trick, for all the information on how to actually create an uncrossing bath check this post.
  • Create a Poppet to absorb the curse in your place. Make a poppet (there's a simple template you can save and printout at the bottom of this post) to represent yourself, include a taglock for yourself, and make it known to the poppet itself and the universe that this is now, for all intents and purposes, you. Keep it somewhere in the open. Once you believe the entire curse has been absorbed by the poppet thank it for taking the hit for you and dispose of it somewhere far from your home.
  • If you know who has cursed you you can bind the curse back to them and bind them from doing any further harm. This can be done multiple ways but I'm just going to talk about 2 of them. First, you can create and charge a sigil with the intent to bing the curse to the person as well as bind the person from doing further harm. Or you could create a poppet to represent the person and wrap it tightly in a black cord while imagining you're wrapping it around not only the poppet but the curse as well. When you've finished wrapping it either dispose of it away from your home in a trash bin or if possible burn it. 
  • Pray to any deity or deities you work with or worship, or to the angels, ancestors, the universe, or whatever higher power you recognize and ask that they remove the curse or blockage. Finish off with an offering as thanks.
  • Cleanse yourself and your space by burning a fairly powerful cleansing or purifying herb such as, Cedar which also provides protection, Mullein, Rosemary which also provides protection, White Pine which also protects, or Palo Santo.
  • At sunrise bathe in a natural water source until you feel the curse or blockage has been removed. 
  • Perform a Return to sender spell
  • Take a picture of yourself and write down all your symptoms of the curse or blockage on the back, then burn it saying as this picture burns away so too does the curse placed on me.

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