Pendulum Usage

 What is a pendulum used for?

There are many ways to use a pendulum but the easiest and most common way is to answer yes or no questions. It's a fairly simple thing to do but there are a few steps you need to take.

Step 1

Clear your mind. It may help to meditate for a few minutes with candles or incense. Whatever works for you, as long as the result is a clear head.

Step 2

Get comfortable, preferably with both feet on the ground to ground you. and choose how you feel most comfortable holding your pendulum.

Step 3

Learning your pendulums signals. You should ask your pendulum "show me yes." and make a note of what it does, generally, it will swing in a circular motion or swing side to side. Then ask "show me no." and again, make a note of what it does. This step only needs to be done the first time you use your pendulum. 

Step 4

Next, you'll want to clarify who you're seeking answers from, Your spirit guides, a deity you work with, your higher self, etc. Say out loud "I want answers from____ please."  You do need to do this every time you use your pendulum otherwise you'll just be getting answers from your subconscious. 

Step 5

Now you're ready to ask your yes or no question. Be clear in what you want to know. Your pendulum may take a moment before it answers you.

Step 6

Last, Thank your pendulum for its work and store it in a special place.


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