Jinx vs Hex vs Curse


Why jinx, curse or hex?

We often read about these so-called "dark" or "baneful" magics without being able to distinctly tell them apart. My goal in this post will be to clearly explain what each one is used for and how they work. Some witches don't practice "baneful" magic because it goes against the rule "do no harm" but we believe over here that sometimes karma needs a little help. This is not something to play with, these types of magics should only be used in serious situations. Going around using "baneful" magic at every little inconvenience is just bad form.

What is a Jinx?

A jinx can be created with conscious or subconscious thought. It doesn't need tools or ingredients and it's very easy to jinx someone subconsciously without even meaning to. A jinx is generally used to cause bad luck, it's fairly harmless and only lasts a short period of time. For example, things like: "I hope (target) steps on a lego." or "I hope (target) has a terrible day." Those would be considered jinxes.

What is a Hex?

A Hex needs conscious intention and usually uses tools or ingredients. Generally, it's not to harm but used to inconvenience a target. It's similar to a jinx but usually a little stronger and longer-lasting. Effects are usually felt quickly but they also fade quickly.   A jinx is usually done for revenge to make the target feel the way they made you feel. It's meant to teach a lesson to the target. 

What is a Curse? 

A curse requires conscious intent as well as tools or ingredients. A curse is generally used to bring harm, illness, or discomfort to a target or even a whole bloodline. Curses last a set amount of time. They can be reversed by the caster, or undone by the caster, the target, or a third party. Generally, curses come from anger, hatred, or even revenge. They are usually used as punishment for when a target has done something unforgivable. 

Common ingredients used in curses and hexes:

Tag locks
Bodily fluids
Finger or toenails
A photo of the target
Personal items of the target's
Poppet to represent the target
The target's name or nickname

Chili powder
Black pepper
Red salt

Other things
Rusty nails
Razor blades
Cemetary dirt
Warwater or stormwater
Broken mirror
Broken glass
Dead wasps
Animal feces

You may want to incorporate a protective measure so that the hex or curse can't be sent back to you. These are some good options to use.
Black salt
Crushed eggshells
Angelica root
Bay leaf
Black pepper

This list is by no means complete, but it's a good start. As with any other type of magic, use what feels right to you. If you come up with something I didn't list but it fits exactly what you're trying to do feel free to use it in your practice. It's your practice after all.


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