Crash course on the wheel of the year


What is the wheel of the year?

The wheel of the year is the name of the pagan calendar for sabbats or holidays. It has no beginning or ending, It's just a constant cycle. IT's origins are about as old as time, but the modern version used today came about in 1835 by Jacob Grimm. The sabbats are broken down into major and minor ones. The majors are centered around the beginning of spring, the beginning of summer, and the 2 major harvests of late summer and fall. The minor sabbats are centered around the equinoxes. They all alternate in a circular pattern creating the wheel of the year.

Samhain October 31st

I'm starting with Samhain just because it's often called "The witch's new year" so it makes sense to go over it first. First things first, it's actually pronounced "Sa-ween" or "Sa-veen". It is the final harvest of the season and a time to celebrate death and honor our ancestors. The veil is thinnest on Samhain and Beltane so it's a great time for divination or speaking to spirits. 

Yule December between 21st - 23rd

Yule is the winter solstice, the longest night and shortest day of the year. It's also considered the return of the sun because days slowly being to get longer until the spring solstice. Yule is a great time to set intentions for the upcoming year.

Imbolc February 1st

Imbolc is the celebration of all the new life beginning to pop up all over the place. It's a great time to bring life to the intentions you set at Yule.

Ostara Between March 19th - 22nd

Ostara is the spring equinox, the beginning of spring. It's a time to celebrate fertility and new beginnings. 

Beltane May 1st

Beltane is a festival of life, the exact opposite to Samhain. It's a time to celebrate fertility, passion, sexuality, and new life. Dreams begin to manifest at Beltane.

Litha between June 21st - 22nd

Litha is the summer solstice. It's the longest day of the year and the shortest night. A time of positivity, growth, and creativity. A time to bring intentions set at Yule to fruition. 

Lammas August 1st

Lammas or Lughnasadh is the first harvest of the season. A time to give thanks and appreciate what we have.

Mabon between September 21st - 23rd

Mabon is the fall solstice. It's been called the witch's thanksgiving. It's the second harvest of the season and night and day are equal. A time to give thanks and celebrate abundance.

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