Witchy tips: the ever-growing master list
Carry star anise for good luck
Save ashes from incense to mix with salt to create black salt, a powerful protection ingredient.
Carry a basil leaf in your wallet so every dollar you spend comes back to you abundantly.
If a spell calls for a candle to burn all the way down and you’re short on time, just use a birthday candle in the corresponding color.
Alternatives to “blessed be” - Good health to you, happiness to you and yours, Well met, Until our paths cross again, Good fortune to you, May your forge burn bright, Until then, To your health.
Cleanse candles in the freezer *They’ll burn longer this way
Mix Cayenne powder with salt to create red salt for Passion, courage, and protection.
Add cinnamon to any spell for extra power & speed.
Carry a clove for courage
Add coffee to a bath to help break a curse.
If you keep ivy in your house (preferably by the front door) the tangles in its vines will catch negative energies.
Carry a piece of juniper for good luck.
If song lyrics fit your full intention you can use them for a spell.
Wipe down your front door with peppermint oil or tea to welcome abundance & prosperity. *Bonus- it keeps spiders away
For summer, outdoor rituals, slightly wet some sage & put it in a tinfoil pouch with holes poked in it with a toothpick, then throw it into the fire to repel mosquitos while also setting the vibes.
Cut an onion and leave it under a sick person's bed. It will absorb all the negativity, dispose of it outside when finished.
A necklace with a pendant on it can be used as a pendulum on the go.
Carry 3 pennies in a black cloth to drive away negativity.
Use perfume or essential oil blends in a rollerball bottle to draw sigils on yourself for the day.
Carry dried pineapple to draw good luck.
Keep purple flowers near a window that gets moonlight to help open the third eye.
Purple salt- Used for psychic protection and as a ward against the evil eye- Grind together Lavender, pink salt & star anise. Bless under the full moon.
Dress a red candle with cloves & let it burn all the way down to stop slander & gossip
Burn rosemary for protection, psychic ability & healing.
Hang sage by the front door to protect your home.
Beach sand will work just as well as sea salt in a spell.
Stand outside on a windy or rainy day & let the wind/rain cleanse you
Herbal soaps in the shower work just as well as an herbal bath.
Put lavender & amethyst under your pillow to ward against nightmares & have good sleep.
Keep pennies in your shoe to attract wealth
Enchant a choker or necklace for ease of communication. Use for public speaking, making new friends, standing up for yourself, etc.
Charm jackets & hoodies to deflect negativity.
Enchant glasses to “see” the truth in people and/or to find lost things.
Put the full name or picture of a person bothering you in a baggie of water & freeze it to freeze their actions towards you.
Charm a middle finger ring to give bad luck temporarily to anyone you flip off.
Choose colors of clothing based on the day's intent.
Cleanse your bed when you make it in the morning to remove any leftover or stagnant energy from the night before.
Write a wish on a bay leaf and burn it.
Grow thyme inside your house to attract good health for all its occupants
Burn sandalwood to clear out stagnant, stubborn energies.
Drive railroad spikes into the 4 corners of your property to create a protective barrier.
Mix essential oils of sweet orange, grapefruit & lime and use it to dress a candle for joy & laughter.
Lockets can be filled with herbs, sigils, or other spell remnants.
Grow a jade plant by your front door for good fortune & prosperity.
Sprinkle dried ginger in your wallet to increase your finances.
Hang eucalyptus over your front door to ward against illness.
Dried crushed eggshells are great for use in protection and healing spells.
Amethyst fades in the sun.
Place acorns on your altar to promote wisdom, prosperity, luck, & good fortune.
Pick dandelions and make wishes
Sigils. Put sigils everywhere. Put them on the bottoms of your shoes so you don't step in anything foul, embroider onto outerwear so it protects you like armor. Put them anywhere for any reason.
Plant lavender by your garden gate for luck.
Plant a cactus by your garden gate for protection.
Bless cooking utensils so that everything made with them promotes healing and love
Charge your favorite necklace under the full moon so you can carry its energy throughout the month.
Work at your craft, drawing, writing, sewing, crochet, etc.
Create a mini altar in an Altoids tin that you can carry on you.
Use essential oil perfumes to give yourself a boost of anything you need.
Pull a tarot card a day to study.
Use your necklace as a pendulum when you need quick guidance.
Burn a cleansing herb and meditate for a few minutes every morning.
Hang bells on your doorknob for protection.
Add rose petals to sangria for love.
Paint your front door purple to promote spirituality within the home.
Wear clothing in colors that match the day's intent
Paint your nails colors that match the day's intent.
Plant red geraniums by your front door as a symbol that witches live here.
Wash windows with moon water for protection.
Charge literally anything under the light of the full moon.
Stir morning coffee or tea with intent, clockwise to draw things to you, counterclockwise to repel things away from you.
Soak in a milk bath on the full moon to embrace feminine energy. Plus it's great for your skin.
Bless lights in your home with the ability to see things clearly.
Choose a favorite outfit just for ritual work, whenever you wear it, it'll be easier to get into the mindset.
Create your own tea blends using herbs for specific intentions.
Get a telescope to see the moon, the planets, and constellations better.
Host a full moon gathering.
Decorate your home or altar for each sabbat.
Charm your glasses to see the truth of a situation or a person.
Practice knot magic while knitting or crocheting.
Light a candle on incense every day and say a prayer.
If you work with or worship deities don't forget to leave offerings once in a while.
If you don't work with deities leave offerings for your ancestors.
Watch the sunrise or sunset.
Meditate for ten minutes or more a day.
Research a witchy topic.
Keep a spiritual journal.
Wear a crystal necklace charged with the day's intent.
Moon and stargaze.
Make plans for the next sabbat.
Spend time outside in nature.
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