
Showing posts from January, 2021

Witchy tips: the ever-growing master list

Witchy Tips The ever-growing master list Carry star anise for good luck Save ashes from incense to mix with salt to create black salt, a powerful protection ingredient. Carry a basil leaf in your wallet so every dollar you spend comes back to you abundantly.  If a spell calls for a candle to burn all the way down and you’re short on time, just use a birthday candle in the corresponding color. Alternatives to “blessed be” - Good health to you, happiness to you and yours, Well met, Until our paths cross again, Good fortune to you, May your forge burn bright, Until then, To your health. Cleanse candles in the freezer *They’ll burn longer this way Mix Cayenne powder with salt to create red salt for Passion, courage, and protection. Add cinnamon to any spell for extra power & speed. Carry a clove for courage Add coffee to a bath to help break a curse. If you keep ivy in your house (preferably by the front door) the tangles in its vines will catch negative energies. Carry a piece of ...

Making Spell Jars

What is a spell jar? Spell jars can be made for a wide variety of spells, such as Protection, Sweet jars, Self-love, Abundance, Good luck, Anti-anxiety, Anti-depression, Fertility, Curses/Hexes, and just about anything else you can think of.  Basically, you're going to take all your ingredients and combine them into a jar, then you'll seal the jar shut using wax, string, glue, or anything else that will keep it shut tight. Then you'll dispose of the jar in a specific way or you'll keep it on your altar to shake up every now and then when it needs refreshing. I'll list the specific ways of disposing of a jar at the end of this post.  Keep in mind the lists of ingredients I'm giving with each type of jar is not complete, there's plenty more you could add to them, I could never list it all. The types of jars is also not complete, I couldn't list every time of jar you could make, even if I tried. For most spell jars... You'll want to start by gathering y...

Pendulum Usage

  What is a pendulum used for? There are many ways to use a pendulum but the easiest and most common way is to answer yes or no questions. It's a fairly simple thing to do but there are a few steps you need to take. Step 1 Clear your mind. It may help to meditate for a few minutes with candles or incense. Whatever works for you, as long as the result is a clear head. Step 2 Get comfortable, preferably with both feet on the ground to ground you. and choose how you feel most comfortable holding your pendulum. Step 3 Learning your pendulums signals. You should ask your pendulum "show me yes." and make a note of what it does, generally, it will swing in a circular motion or swing side to side. Then ask "show me no." and again, make a note of what it does. This step only needs to be done the first time you use your pendulum.  Step 4 Next, you'll want to clarify who you're seeking answers from, Your spirit guides, a deity you work with, your higher self, etc. ...

Jinx vs Hex vs Curse

  Why jinx, curse or hex? We often read about these so-called "dark" or "baneful" magics without being able to distinctly tell them apart. My goal in this post will be to clearly explain what each one is used for and how they work. Some witches don't practice "baneful" magic because it goes against the rule "do no harm" but we believe over here that sometimes karma needs a little help. This is not something to play with, these types of magics should only be used in serious situations. Going around using "baneful" magic at every little inconvenience is just bad form. What is a Jinx? A jinx can be created with conscious or subconscious thought. It doesn't need tools or ingredients and it's very easy to jinx someone subconsciously without even meaning to. A jinx is generally used to cause bad luck, it's fairly harmless and only lasts a short period of time. For example, things like: "I hope (target) steps on a lego....