Effective spell writing

Writing your own spells can seem daunting to new witches, and even to witches who've been practicing for a while. But it doesn't have to be! Below I'll give a template of sorts, some rules, tips and tricks, what to do with spell remnants, and some methods of execution. There's plenty of reasons to write your own spells; maybe you can't find one that fits your intention just right, or the spell calls for tools or herbs you don't have on hand, but you have different tools and herbs to use. Or maybe you just want to make your craft your own, Whatever the case may be, this post should help you get started. 

First things first... a few "rules"

  • Always cleanse your tools, space, self, and whatever needs it before a working.
  • Spells do not need to rhyme in order to be effective.
  • Spells do not need a ton of ingredients in order to be effective. 
  • Spells only need a clear, present tense, positive intent. (I don't mean like the spell has to be a positive one, I'm all for hexing when needed, your intent just shouldn't use words like "can't" "don't" or anything like that.)

Helpful things you can include in your spell writing

  • Your clear, present tense, positive intent.
  • Timing- What day of the week, moon phase, and/or time of day corresponds with your intent.
  • Correspondances you're using- colors of candles, and herbs if any.
  • Tools if any
  • The steps you need to take to cast the spell

Tips and tricks

  • Each day and moon phase has its own corresponding intentions.
  • You can always start with pre-written spells and tweak them to fit your needs.
  • Just about anything can be made into a spell, for example, song lyrics that fit your intention just right or a poem that really resonates while fitting your intention. 
  • Rhyming can be helpful, especially if you want to memorize your incantation rather than read it during the spell. but it's not necessary.
  • Spell jars can be fun to make but not all spells will work best this way.
  • Write your incantation clear, positive, and as if it's already true.
  • Dancing, chanting, or singing before or for your incantation is a great way to build up energy.

What to do with spell remnants

  • To keep something close, bury it in your front yard.
  • To attract something bury it under your front step
  • To destroy it's influence, burn it.
  • To move away from you, throw it in running water.
  • To conceal its origin, hide it in a tree.
  • To begin or strengthen throw east.
  • To weaken or end throw west.
  • If you're working with spirits or ancestors put it in the north.
  • For strong and fast results burn it.
  • For a curse bury it at a crossroads.
  • To break a curse submerge it in water in the west.
  • To cleanse something shred it and put it in a sage bundle.

Methods of execution

  • To bind wrap your petition paper in black thread and drip candle wax on it or seal it in a jar.
  • To banish burn an effect and sweet out the back door, cast out a window, or bury it and spit on it.
  • To encourage something bury it by a front step or window or keep it on a windowsill.
  • To hide something put it in a glass jar painted black, cover with a cloth and bury it or wrap it in a ribbon.
  • To glamour something leave it under the full moon the hold its reflection up in a mirror.
  • To make a wish place before a candle and blow it out, drown a coin in water or let seeds blow into the wind.
I think I've covered all the important stuff for writing your own spells in this post but if you can think of anything I should add let me know down in the comments! Get all this information and so much more in my book, The Beginning: A grimoire for new witches


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