
Showing posts from May, 2021

8 Curse and Blockage Removal Methods

  What happens when you are cursed or blocked? When you have been cursed or are dealing with a blockage that you may have created yourself a few things tend to happen usually. If you're experiencing these kinds of symptoms it may be time to perform a curse or blockage removal spell or ritual. Your magic could be completely wonky and your spells or workings could be having some entirely unexpected outcomes, feeling stagnant for a length of time, not being able to focus or think clearly, you may be feeling generally off, or unwell with no real explanation, you may be experiencing a lengthy string of bad luck, or you could even be experiencing frequent headaches with no medical explanation. If You're experiencing any of these, especially if it's a few at once read on to see how to correct it. Methods to remove curses and blockages An uncrossing bath performed for 3 consecutive days will usually do the trick, for all the information on how to actually create an uncrossing bath ...

Easy, 3 ingredient, effective, money spell

  So you need more money in your life? Who doesn't need more money, really? As long as you're willing to put in the work, whether it be longer hours, higher volume of orders for your online business, moving to a new job that may pay more, etc. If you aren't willing to put in any work, and you're just looking for a get-rich-quick spell this is not the one. If you're still here and still want the spell read on! Ingredients A green 7-day candle 3 coins, any coins Some dried mint, just a pinch. A marker to draw sigils on the candle Process First, you're gonna need to make some sigils. Make them as specific as possible, word them more than one way, and make sure you come up with a few you can use. If you need guidance on sigil making, check out this post for an easy method that's well explained.  Once you have your sigils and you've charged them, draw them on your candle. Next, take the 3 coins and stick them about halfway into the wax around the wick. Then,...

List of Effective curse & hex ingredients

  Updated 2/2025 When you may need this list.... We don't believe in the three-fold law, nor do we subscribe to the strictly love & light belief... That being said, sometimes a person will come into your life and cause so much damage you feel the need to give them some sort of payback in one way or another. That's when you may turn to casting a curse or hex on them. While we don't want to go around cursing people for every little slight against us, some people do absolutely have it coming. If you come across one of these people in your life, you may want to use this list to give karma a little push in the right direction. We hope to not actually need a list like this in life but it's better to be prepared if the time does come. Always include a taglock to tie the spell to your intended target . Taglocks include  Bodily fluids from the target,  Finger or toenails from the target,  The target's Hair,  A photo of the target,  Personal items of the target's...

What is a home guardian and how to make one

What is a home guardian? A home guardian is a statue you place outside your home to protect it and all who are inside it. You could also use this method to protect just about any defined space. You'll need: A statue (preferably a hollow or semi hollow one but either one will work.) A slip of paper & a writing utensil Any protective herbs &/or crystals you have on hand A handful of dirt from the space to be protected If the statue is solid- a firesafe container Ground & center. For a hollow/semi-hollow statue:  Write your statement of intent. (for example: Guard & defend my home(or wherever else) using the energy from these herbs & other ingredients. Rip the edges of the paper all around for the free flow of energy. Put your intention slip & any other ingredients, including the dirt from the space inside the statue & seal it up. For a solid statue: Write your statement of intent (see above for an example) Place your fire-safe container in front of the sta...

How to create your own uncrossing bath

 What is an uncrossing bath for? Sometimes people send curses or hexes our way which will result in us having a "crossed" or blocked condition. Other times we can "cross" ourselves unintentionally. This can happen when we focus too much on the bad, negative, stressful, etc. things in life, from everyday stress and anxiety, a traumatic event, accumulating too much negative energy, and anything else that can cause you to feel blocked in life or your spirituality.  When we are crossed our magic is nowhere near as powerful, bad luck or worse can seem to follow us, It can be almost impossible to focus on any one thing, It can result in physical symptoms such as headaches or other ill-health (Uncrossing is not a guarantee of improved health if you need to, ABSOLUTELY seek medical care as well as doing an uncrossing working), Inability to move on with life, or grow in our spirituality. Taking an uncrossing bath, (recommended to be done 3 consecutive days at least) can dras...

Poppet uses and a printable pattern!

 What is a poppet? Poppets have been used in many cultures for many reasons. The most common and easily recognizable ones are voodoo dolls. Voodoo dolls specifically are of course part of a closed practice and off-limits to outsiders. That doesn't mean ALL poppets are off limits though. They can be very useful in many different types of magic, which I'll go over later in this post. A poppet is basically just a doll made to represent a person a spell is targeted at. They can be used in baneful magic to place a curse or hex on someone, but they can also be used in protective magic, Healing magic, To send someone good luck or good vibes, and plenty of other things. They can be made out of whatever you have on hand, whether that's fabric, felt, straw, corn husks, wood, a rock, whatever. My favorite & the one I'll be talking about the most in this post will be felt or a fabric one.  A few examples of what a poppet can look like with various materials. What goes into a fe...