
Showing posts from December, 2020

All about one word spells

What is a "One-word spell"?  A one-word spell is exactly that: A spell in one word. Short, sweet, and to the point. One-word spells can be made for just about anything. It just takes a little creativity. How do I create a one-word spell? One word spells are created by taking 2 or more words and combining them into one. This can be done in any language you choose to work with or even a combination of different languages mashed together. As long as it feels right and you can pronounce it, that's all that matters. Benefits of using one-word spells Of course, you wouldn't use one-word spells for all your magic because some spells require the extra energy generated doing a full incantation or ritual. But they are great for a little something on the go. One-word spells can be used any time any place. They're easy to remember. One-word spells help slip a little magic into the mundane world. They're fun to create. They can be created for just about anything. They'...

Effective spell writing

Writing your own spells can seem daunting to new witches, and even to witches who've been practicing for a while. But it doesn't have to be! Below I'll give a template of sorts, some rules, tips and tricks, what to do with spell remnants, and some methods of execution. There's plenty of reasons to write your own spells; maybe you can't find one that fits your intention just right, or the spell calls for tools or herbs you don't have on hand, but you have different tools and herbs to use. Or maybe you just want to make your craft your own, Whatever the case may be, this post should help you get started.  First things first... a few "rules" Always cleanse your tools, space, self, and whatever needs it before a working. Spells do not need to rhyme in order to be effective. Spells do not need a ton of ingredients in order to be effective.  Spells only need a clear, present tense, positive intent. (I don't mean like the spell has to be a positive one...

Daily Magic Correspondences

  Sunday- Day of rest and play. Sunday is ruled by the Sun. The Sun embodies vibrance, success, and positive energy. Spells and workings to try on Sunday are for employment, personal radiance, personal power, good health, energy, success, prosperity, peace, friendship, and creativity. Monday- Day of water and flow. Monday is ruled by the moon. The moon has dominion over water, emotion, and intuition. Spells and workings to try on Monday are for ritual baths, change, emotions, finding lost things, travel, protection, intuition, fertility, healing, and purity.   Tuesday- Day of fire and energy. Tuesday is ruled by Mars. Mars is the planet of success, action, and daring. Spells and workings to try on Tuesday are energy, sex, leadership, assertiveness, personal transformation, courage, binding, protection, passion, and confidence. Wednesday- Day of talking and writing. Tuesday is ruled by Mercury. Mercury is the planet of thought, communication, and transit. Spells and workings to...

11 Protection Methods

  Why is protection important? Protection is important when doing any workings, and honestly, just in your day to day life, to avoid unnecessary energies or unwelcome entities attaching themselves to you. Protections keep you from absorbing and taking on someone else's energy. It's also important in case your working goes wrong, you don't always want what you've sent out coming back to you. And lastly, It's important in case someone else sends something unwanted your way, which literally anyone can do, without even thinking. Somone can just be hating on you a lot & that's a jinx right there. There are so many ways to protect yourself, so many in fact, that I could probably write a whole book on protection alone. Below I'll just go over a few of my favorite methods. Sigils My absolute favorite type of magic. Sigils are great because the more you use them the stronger they become. You can make sigils for anything and there are countless ways to activate a...

11 Cleansing Methods & Cleansing herbs list

  Why do we need to cleanse? Over time people, places, and things can get a build-up of energies. Sometimes the energies are negative, and sometimes they're just unnecessary. Cleansing removes any unnecessary energies giving you a clean slate to work from. It clears your, mind, space, & tools, of any unnecessary energies. There are so many ways to cleanse yourself, your tools, your space, and any items you feel need it. Below I'll go over eleven different methods you can use to cleanse anything that needs it.  Smoke Cleansing Smoke cleansing is done by burning incense or herbs and wafting the smoke around what needs to be cleansed. Some herbs you can use for smoke cleansing are rosemary, sage, lemongrass, cedar, bay leaves, lavender, peppermint, pine, clove, dandelion, palo santo, calendula, basil, chamomile, thyme, amaranth, or mugwort. Water cleansing You can use water to cleanse during a bath or shower, in a spray bottle with or without cleansing herbs added to it, or e...

Tarot Tricks

  Sometimes we don't have time to do a whole tarot spread but we still need answers. Sometimes when we're looking for answers we just don't feel like finding the right spread, or interpreting five, seven, or even ten cards. Luckily, I have compiled a list of tricks that will give you answers with just one or two cards. Quick, easy, and right to the point. These tricks cover a pretty wide range of situations but there's always room to add more! If you have more tricks to add leave them in the comments down below! Is there a situation in your life that's not going your way? Shuffle and find The Wheel of Fortune card. The cards before and after are your solution.  Are you looking for ways to bring money to yourself? Shuffle and pull the fifth, tenth, and twentieth cards. They'll tell you how. Need a quick future prediction? Shuffle and find your nearest birth card. The first card under it will tell you what's coming next. If you need to get to the root of relat...