
Showing posts from November, 2020

How to make your own sigils

What is a sigil? Sigils are symbols created to represent a word or phrase. They fall under "chaos magic" which encourages its practitioners to experiment and try new things. This is why you'll find so many methods for creating sigils. There is one strict rule to creating sigils, You must activate it. Other than that, it just has to feel right to you, the method, the phrase, the outcome, as long as it feels right to you it's the right way to do it. I'm sharing one method in this post but you can experiment with other methods as well or even take steps from different methods and create your own method. It's your practice, do things your way. First, how to activate your sigil To activate your sigil after creating it, you must destroy it. It seems counterproductive, but after you create your sigil, you can copy it into your grimoire to save it and then destroy it. You can do this by: Drawing it on paper or a bay leaf and burning it. *Bonus* you can add correspond...

Who are the Misfit Mystics?

Who are the Misfit Mystics? The Misfit Mystics currently consists of 2 best friends of over 15 years, Chelsea and Samantha. All our lives we've been the black sheep, in our families, at school, at work, we always seem to be the misfits, so we call ourselves just that; Misfits. We met in high school and immediately clicked. You ever have a friend who feels like a soulmate? Like you've been friends through all your past lives and no matter what you go through you stick together? That's us. We're meant to do life together, one way or another. Chelsea is an empathic chaos witch and mother of 3. She has a gift for Tarot, DIY, and all kinds of research. She creates all kinds of witchy products such as spell candles, loose incense blends, witch's runes, deity dolls, ritual bath herbal blends, pendulums, spell kits, custom-made spell jars, worry dolls, and more. If you're interested, check out our Etsy shop Here to see everything and maybe place an order with us. Chels...