
Protection Magical Ingredients

  In this post you'll find a list of ingredients you can use in protection spells. this list is by no means complete, but it'll get you started.  Herbs Acacia Aconite Acorn Violet Alder Alfalfa Aloe Amaranth Anise Aspen Ash Coriander Comfrey Horseradish Hyssop Irish moss Cumin Bamboo Basil Cypress Juniper Kava kava Daisy Bay Belladonna Dandelion Lavender Leek Dill Bergamot Birch Dogwood Lemon Lemon verbena Dragon's blood Black pepper Blackberry Elder Lettuce Lime Elm Bladderwrack Blessed thistle Eucalyptus Lotus Mandrake Fennel Blueberry Boneset Fern Marjoram Marigold Feverfew Buckeye Cactus Flax seed Mint Mistletoe Fleabane Calamus Calendula Fox glove Mullein Nutmeg Frankincense Carnation Caraway Gardenia Oak moss Olive leaf Garlic Chia Chives Geranium Onion Parsley Ginger Mums Cilantro Ginseng Peony Cilantro Cinnamon Hawthorn Periwinkle Pine Heather Cinquefoil Clove Henna Pineapple Plantain Hickory Clover Coconut Holly Radish Wormwood Rice Witch hazel Rue Willow Sage Viol...

The Magical Uses of Different Types of Water

  Water is an important part of most spells & rituals, but did you know that different water can have different properties? We'll start with some water types you charge yourself.. Moon Water To make moon water, all you need to do is set your water out in the moonlight, or lack thereof, on a new moon. Leave it out as long as possible, but if it sees the sun, it becomes Sun Water. So make sure you bring it inside before sunrise. Unless you want Sun Water, it can be very useful for some spells. Water charged by the dark/new moon- Banishing, finishing cycles, cleansing, letting go, Fresh starts, Shadow work Water charged by the waxing moon- Growth, planning, taking action, new projects Water charged by the full moon- Power, success, cleansing, charging tools, glamour Water charged by the waning moon- Releasing, banishing, shadow work Water from a sea- Cleansing, healing, protection, banishing, emotional balance Water from a river- Moving on, road opening, warding, breaking thr...

How to Create a Personal Protection Amulet

 What is an Amulet? An amulet is a charm or trinket imbued with protective energy that a person carries with them. Depending on your background, culture, religion or lack of, there are numerous ways to create a personal protection amulet. I like to make mine in the way you'll read about in this post. How to make a personal protection amulet You'll need: Some felt a pattern for an animal or symbol of your choice. (max. about 4 inches tall) scissors chalk a little bit of stuffed animal stuffing needle & thread about 2 tablespoons (at most) of protective herbs, such as: Sage, clove, or rosemary black candle To begin, gather your materials and ground & center. Light your candle. Trace your pattern onto the felt using the chalk  Sew along your chalk lines, leaving an unsewn opening of about an inch & 1/2. Fill your animal with your herbs & stuffing. Sew closed. Hold your animal in both hands & envision it fighting off any unwanted entity or energy. Hold the imag...

Personal Protection Methods

1. Imbue & Charge a piece of jewelry   You’ll need: A piece of jewelry  A black candle Salt Protection powder (if you have it) Ground & center in whatever way you like. Hold the jewelry with both hands and envision a shield of protection beginning at the jewelry and growing until it encompasses you entirely. Place the jewelry in front of the candle. If you have it mix protection powder with the salt. Make a ring with the salt (or salt mixture) around the candle & the jewelry. Light the candle & meditate on the feeling of being totally safe in your bubble. Put the candle out & put the jewelry on. 2. Candle Protection Spell You’ll need: A black candle Black pepper Sea salt A pin or thumbtack Matches/a lighter Olive oil Ground & center in whatever way you want. Mix equal parts of sea salt & black pepper. Carve your name into the candle. Lightly coat the candle in olive oil. Roll the candle, away from yourself, in the salt & pepper mixture. Light th...

Making a Money Bowl

 What is a money bowl? Who couldn't use some more money in their life? A money bowl is a bowl or other container filled with things to draw money to you. You can fill it with all kinds of things, there's no one right way to do it. below I'll go over how I do mine. Feel free to use it exactly how I write it or to change it up as you see fit! How I do my money bowl First I took a ceramic bowl & cleansed it with some incense. Then I drew sigils on the inside for things like "Money from good sources comes to me", "Money flows to me with ease" and "My Etsy shop makes sales". If you need a guide on how to create your own sigils, check out this post for all the details! This post contains a list of herbs & crystals for money if you don't have what I use or would just like to use something else. So after cleansing and adding sigils to my bowl I mix up some green salt. I do this by adding food coloring to plain salt as well as a few herbs...

Money & Career Herbs & Crystals

Tips for money «   Keep basil in your wallet to attract wealth «   Keep pennies in your shoe to attract wealth «   Keep change on your dresser to attract wealth «   A jade plant by the front door attracts wealth «   Create a sigil for getting the job you want, prosperity, etc.. «   Create a spell to attract money, get the job you want or anything else. Some herbs for career and money «   Alfalfa «   Alkanet «   Allspice «   Almond «   Ash «   Lemon balm – success «   Banana «   Basil – wealth «   Benzoin «   Bergamot «   Blackberry «   Bladderwrack «   Buckwheat «   Calamus «   Cashew «   Cedar «   Cinnamon – success «   Clove «   Clover – success «   Comfrey «   Dill «   Dock «   Fenugreek «   Flax «   Ginger- success, power «   Goldenrod «   Grape « ...

Moon magic

What is Moon magic? Moon magic is basically just using the moon phases for spells. Each moon phase has its own intentions. Lining up the day we do our spells with what phase the moon is in isn't absolutely necessary, but it can give spells an extra boost. Lining up the day of the week does the same thing, check out this post for daily correspondences. Below is the list of moon phases and their intentions.  Moon Phases New or Dark Moon-  Dark magic, banishing, curses, divination, new beginnings, binding, soul searching Waxing Crescent- Growth, attraction, creation, healing, luck, success, friendship, inspiration, courage, motivation, love, power, production Waxing gibbous- Attraction, success, health, final planning, motivation Full Moon- Release, Divination, Cleansing, Repelling, Psychic ability, light work, romance, knowledge, blessing, guidance Waning Gibbous- Cleansing, releasing, letting go Waning Crescent- Removal, protection, cleansing, release, curses, mending relation...